jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Los relojes mecánicos increiblemente cerca de los humanos

En algún momento tendré que traducir esta reseña. Se trata de la presentación que realiza el Presidente de Orient Watch, D. Jun Watanabe, sobre los relojes mecánicos. Voy a intentar resumir a continuación los puntos principales de su discurso:
  • en primer lugar, se declara firme creyente de que los relojes mecánicos van a tener gran reconocimiento y admiración en los próximos años
  • son relojes "limpios" o ecológicos, por los materiales empleados (metal en lugar de circuitos integrados) y su nulo gasto energético (no precisan baterías altamente contaminantes)
  • son relojes "eficientes", ya que solamente están en marcha durante su uso (cuando dejamos de utilizarlos y los guardamos en un cajón, en un par de días se paran)
  • son relojes "acompasados" al cuerpo humano, que le proporciona la energía cinética necesaria para su movimiento (movimiento de muñeca para carga automática, o la cuerda en el caso de carga manual)
Mechanical watches are amazingly close to humans

  I believe that the beauty of mechanical watches will be recognized more and more in the future. If I were to mention some of the positive qualities, the first would be that they are extremely clean products because they do not use batteries. Although solar powered watches are also clean, they use a secondary battery for recharging. The second point is that mechanical watches are truly ecological products because they will return to the earth in the end since they are made entirely of metal components. Other types of watches use plastic parts, which do not return to the earth. The third point is that mechanical watches keep moving along with the movement of the body powered by human strength. It won't move unless you move around. If you don't wear it on your arm for a while, it usually stops. You could say that mechanical watches are amazingly close to humans. Some say this is a demerit, but for the watch, it's better for it to stop when you're not using it. The reason is that when the gears are constantly moving, they gradually start to wear. It's better for mechanical products not to move when not in use. That allows them to last longer.
  Furthermore, as I mentioned earlier, because mechanical watches are made entirely out of metal, if you wanted to recreate a part, you could do so at any time. With products that use electronic circuits, it is relatively difficult to produce parts when they break. However, with mechanical products, because they are built by combining single precision parts, you can use them almost indefinitely by replacing parts and performing maintenance. They're products that can be handed down to the next generation and continue to be used.

Jun Watanabe, President of Orient Watch Co., Ltd

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